How We Met

This goes back all the way to 2017 when Massimo and I were in Grade 11 at the same Highschool in North Edmonton. We only shared one class that semester, band class. It wasn’t until the end of the semester (and year) that a mutual friend connected us and we exchanged phone numbers. It was that summer, while I was away in Newfoundland and then he was away in Italy, that our story started.

~ Sarah

Sarah and I went to high school together but we only had one class together. In an effort to spend more time with her I used to go with my friend to his first class in the morning that he had with her, making me late to my class most of the time. Unfortunately for me Sarah was already dating someone. Fortunately for me it didn’t last that long and in the summer before grade twelve I was able to swoop in and bag the girl of my dreams.

~ Massimo

Our very first date got rained out so we compromised and went to West Edmonton Mall. For dinner we had Jungle Jim’s!

The Proposal

We were on vacation in Newfoundland to see the solar eclipse. It was Massimo’s first time in Newfoundland so he got to meet the Anderson/O’Brien families. Some of them for the first time. We had driven out to Bonavista to see it the best. It was cloudy as Newfoundland is in April so we were driving around looking for the best spot. It was out there, all by ourselves on the cliffs, that Massimo got down on one knee and the rest is history.

After we were officially engaged, the next stop was Jungle Jim’s for lunch before the eclipse!